
Bahnhofstraße 2 D-53577
Neustadt / Wied
Managing Directors
Dr. Karsten Korschelt
Telefon: | +49 (0) 2683 3000-0 |
Telefax: | +49 (0) 2683 3000-41 |
E-Mail: | dpc(at) |
USt.-ID-Nr: | DE 149527961 |
Steuer-Nr: | 32/670/06453 |
Responsible for the content of this Internet presence:
Dr. Karsten Korschelt
By accessing this website you accept the following "general terms of use" without limitation or exception.
1. General Terms of Use
1.1 Copyright
Structure, content, and design of the DUROPLAST Internet presence are protected by copyright. Any reproduction, editing, translation or processing in other media regardless of the means is subject to copyright terms and conditions. Any utilization—in part or in full—is only permissible upon prior written consent of DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH, unless the respective content, images or texts (or parts thereof) have not been expressly labelled as free for publication (such as press information). Figures are protected by Austrian copyright laws (UrhG). Any publication or reproduction rights are owned by DURPOPLAST CHEMIE GmbH (unless otherwise identified) and remain fully applicable regardless of the type of transmission.
Press photos and texts may only be used for editorial purposes. We expressly forbid any electronic manipulation or otherwise that may falsify statements or content. The printing of press texts and photos is free of charge but we would like to receive a sample copy. The copyright notice "© year DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH All rights reserved" has to be added to all DUROPLAST photos.
1.2 Logos and trademarks
The DUROPLAST logo as well as the entire product descriptions listed on these pages are (unless expressly identified otherwise) either registered trademarks of DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH, its affiliated companies, or licensed to DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH. Any unauthorized or abusive use is expressly forbidden and may constitute a violation of the trademark law, other industrial property rights, and/or the competition law.
1.3 Disclaimer of third party web pages
Individual pages of this Internet presence may contain hyperlinks to other websites on the Internet, which are not under the maintenance and responsibility of DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH, and whose content is unknown to DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH. Our links to third-party Internet pages by no means represent an assessment or recommendation but serve the sole purpose of simplifying user navigation.
The providers of linked pages are solely responsible for the content of these pages.
This disclaimer applies to the entire links displayed in this domain and to the entire content of these linked pages.
1.4 Disclaimer
Despite careful tests we are unable to assume any liability for the correctness of the information contained on this website.
We reserve the right to change or delete individual or the entire content of this website at any time and without advance notice.
Every user is exclusively responsible for decisions made based on this information.
We are also unable to assume liability for any direct or indirect damages arising in connection with the use of this website or our server.
We commit considerable organizational and technical efforts to protect all DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH computers from unauthorized manipulation and from viruses. We are, however, unable to guarantee the absence of viruses or illegally introduced software code, and assume no liability for any direct or indirect damages arising from such software. Therefore we strongly encourage all our users to ensure that they sufficiently protect their computers themselves, e.g., by periodic security updates of the software used or by using virus scanners, prior to visiting our website and downloading documents.
DUROPLAST assumes no responsibility for the absence of faults and for the availability of the services and information offered on our website.
1.5 DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH products
DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH assumes no responsibility that the products listed on this website are available in your country. Product descriptions on this website do not constitute a quality guarantee, and we assume no explicit or implicit responsibility that the products are suitable for a certain purpose of use.
1.6 Forward-looking statements and declarations of intent
If forward-looking statements or declarations of intent are made on this Internet presence, this is done to the best of one's knowledge at the time of their initial publication. Actual events may deviate from previously made forward-looking statements. DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH does not intent to continuously update the entire forward-looking statements on this website.
1.7 Miscellaneous
These terms of use are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this Internet presence is Montabaur, Germany. If one or more provisions of these terms of use are or become ineffective, the validity of the other provisions remains unaffected.
2. Information on data protection
We respect the data privacy of users visiting DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH web pages. DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH processes personal data collected during visits to our web pages in accordance with the data protection provisions of the country where the responsible entity for data processing is located.
We want to point out that our web pages may contain links to pages of other providers not covered by this privacy policy.
2.1 Collecting and processing personal data
When visiting DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH web pages, our web servers (which may also be located at a service provider company) by default store the name of your Internet service provider, the web page from which you are visiting us, the web pages you are visiting on our homepage as well as date and duration of your visit. Other personal data are only stored if you yourself provide them to us, such as during a product query, job application or while executing a contract.
2.2 Limitations on using and forwarding personal data
DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH uses your personal data solely within the required scope to technically administer our web pages and to optimize their content, to manage our customers, and for marketing purposes.
Generally, DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH does not forward personal data to third parties. Transmission of personal data to government institutions and authorities is only effected in accordance with mandatory national statutory provisions. Our employees are obliged to maintain secrecy.
2.3 Cookies
Cookies are small files temporarily stored on your hard disk. The information contained in cookies mainly serves to simplify navigation on the website. Currently we are refraining from using cookies but we reserve the right to use them in future without advance notice.
2.4 Right to information
If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please feel free to contact us.
Upon request, DUROPLAST-CHEMIE GmbH or the representation responsible for you shall inform you as soon as possible in writing according to applicable law whether and which of your personal data we have stored. If incorrect data have been stored despite our efforts for data accuracy and freshness, we shall correct these upon your request.
Date: Februar 2012