Products and markets
Worldwide use of DUROPLAST-CHEMIE products
Our products are used in a large number of industries and areas. The following list gives you an impression of our products' field of application.

Epoxy resins and curing agents with biological content
Topics and keywords such as sustainability, bio-based, natural origin, "green" are already daily companions in the everyday life of everyone. Together we can work to ensure that these words are gradually filled with life. Thanks to our wide network of suppliers and cooperation partners, we offer various epoxy resin and hardener systems with different levels of "biocontents". For this we have a wide network of raw materials that are partially or completely based on natural sources.
Here there is often the possibility of building up our products with a bio-based component and making them a bit "greener". We would be happy to check whether we can build your system with the same or similar technical properties on one or more of these raw materials. We look forward to your project and the opportunity to work with you to advance the sustainability of our industries. We always strive to reconcile your economic interests and the aspect of sustainability.